Thursday, July 2, 2020

It a Matter of the Heart

 When you lose your ability to trust the ones who are closest to you, it's hard to have a normal life. Being a victim of abuse can cause a person to live inward and rarely let others in. If the abuse happens repeatedly over many years, some individuals never get to the point of trust again. There are exceptions but without major work, it is near impossible to overcome.

One exception is laying yourself at the feet of Jesus Christ and giving Him everything, including the part of your life that has caused so much pain. You see abuse starts with our hearts. I know this sounds funny, but it really does. A therapist or even a cardiologist can’t come close to healing a broken heart, but Jesus can.

With many types of abuse, it starts with trust. Whether it is a parent or a stranger the victim has developed a trusting relationship most times. A child loves and trusts his or her parents, it’s just part of the parent-child relationship from the moment a child is born. The child is vulnerable and naturally trusts the parent will do everything to protect and shelter him or her from harm. If abuse begins to happen the child is not only being harmed in his or her body and mind, but their heart is harmed. The child is heartbroken, and trust will slowly disappear. 

The same happens when a stranger starts to groom a child. The abuser will begin by playing on the child’s heart. The grooming involves gaining trust and acceptance from the child. Once the abuser is satisfied that the child has given him or her their heart, they will slowly begin the abuse. 

You see it starts in the heart, in a place that is hidden from everyone but the victim. This is one reason it is so hard to heal from abuse unless you have the right kind of help. Healing must begin with love and respect on the part of the person helping the abused individual. Who better than the one who loved us enough to die for us? Jesus will begin to help regain trust and mend a heart that has been broken through abuse.

Don’t get me wrong, a therapist that specializes in abuse is never wrong, but it must begin with someone working with the abused person long enough to gain the respect and trust of that individual. It must start with the heart. Jesus is the only one who can truly heal an abused heart and give new life to anyone who has a heart that has been broken through abuse. Selecting a therapist who understands Jesus and His way of healing can lead to a heart that is full of trust, love, and forgiveness. 

A Life that is free of the chains of resentment and hatred has room for Love and forgiveness. Letting Jesus heal our hearts will never prove to be a mistake. A heart mended through Jesus Christ will always have peace and freedom from the scars of abuse. 

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Anyone interested in my life of abuse?

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