Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Only Life-Giving Savior

Mathew 28:6 
He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay

As the two women came closer to the tomb they realized that the large stone had been rolled to one side. The women had been discussing earlier, during their walk, about who would help them roll the stone back so they could enter and finish the job of preparing Jesus' body for burial. As they stood in wonderment they hear a voice declare that the one whom they were looking for, was not there because He had risen from the dead and left the tomb.

Can you imagine hearing those words, He is not here for He has risen from the dead and left the tomb. I would be looking around wondering if I was at the right place. But the words of the Angel rang true Jesus was not there, only his grave clothes were there. Where had He gone? Was this some kind of cruel joke? Had someone taken His body away? As all these thoughts bounced around in their heads a man appeared. At first he appeared as a stranger, but as He continued to speak He became known. The man was Jesus!! He was alive, He had come back from the dead! The one and only God of creation had done the impossible! John explained the encounter in John 20: 14-16, which states. “At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize it was Jesus. He asked her, “Woman why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was a gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get Him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward Him and cried out Teacher” (NIV).

The actions of Jesus that Passover weekend paved the way for our salvation. As Jesus hung on the cross, He took all our sins and sicknesses upon Himself and presented Himself as a perfect sacrifice to God. In the same way, the Jewish High Priests would sacrifice a spotless lamb to cover the sins of the people of Israel every year before the Passover. This custom was set in place by God before the Hebrews were released from slavery in Egypt. The blood of a spotless lamb was to be sprinkled over the door of each Hebrew house to protect them from the Death Angel that would be coming to kill all the firstborn in Egypt. Exodus 12:7 explains, “Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and top of the door frames of the houses where they eat the lambs” (NIV). The “Blood” protected then and it protects now! The precious blood of Jesus is life to anyone who believes in what He did on the cross and in the tomb. His blood has covered us once and for all, for an eternity. No more payment is due, no more lamb sacrifices, Jesus Christ's sacrifice was the last one needed. 

As Jesus Christ walked out of that tomb He defeated the Death Angel who was set to take all life. But the Death Angel would have to “Pass Over” everyone who was under the protection of the blood of Jesus Christ. The ones who call Him Lord and Savior, have ask for forgiveness of their sins and given their lives to Him. Jesus Christ is the only one who can give true life that cannot be taken.

The message of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection is the most important message anyone could ever hear. Resurrection Sunday is the high holiday of the Christian World and celebrated each year around the same time as the Jewish Passover. It is easy to get lost in the celebration, but if we take anything away from His actions we should remember that although Jesus did this for all of us, we should take it very personally.

Jesus died for... ME. Jesus rose again to defeat death for... ME. He is my personal Savior and He is closer to me than a brother. I love Him more than life itself because He is the only giver of Life. Amen...

Please listen to Elevation Worship preform - Resurrecting (Live)

Have a Wonderful Day and Week making Jesus Christ personal to YOU. He is the Most Precious, Lifegiving, Savior you will ever know. 

Your Sister in Christ,
Jacque Barnes

Monday, March 26, 2018

It is Finished!!

 Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When He had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.- John 19:28-30 (NIV).

The last words that Jesus Christ spoke before He died on the cross were, “It is finished.” Have you ever thought about what those three words meant as the Son of God was dying? I understand that His death was a payment for my sins and that if I would only, as John 3:16 states, “Believe on God's only Son I would not die but live forever with Him, but what did these words mean to Jesus?

Jesus was aware that he had completed the work God the Father had given Him to complete. Jesus knew that all people would now have a choice, to enter into Heaven with Him or to enter into Hell without Him. Jesus also understood the world would never be the same. What I did not understand is the words, “It is finished” meant more to Jesus than I could ever imagine.

Leading up to the death and resurrection Jesus had much to do. He had to prepare and teach the Apostles. Jesus had to speak to the Jewish people about not only loving God but loving each other. And He also had to “Throw a Wrench” into the Pharisees lavish way of life. Although Jesus had many devoted followers who believed Him, He had many enemies. Jesus Christ had to begin a movement that still has momentum to this day. His Love has never died.

So you see, the last words of Jesus Christ were very powerful indeed! Although giving the human race the choice to accept the Son of God as savior or not is of significant importance, the work that went into God's plan that led up to the sacrifice of His Son had to be done. A plan was in place for God's Words to be fulfilled and for His Son Jesus Christ to be revealed as Messiah. From the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation, It's all about Jesus!

Have a wonderful week reflecting on the goodness of God the Father and the sacrifice it took to led His Children back home. Thank you Jesus...

                                             The Heart of Worship - Micheal W. Smith

Your Sister in Christ!
Jacque Barnes

Anyone interested in my life of abuse?

 I’vee not posted much lately but I’m just overwhelmed by how much abuse I’ve gone through and hidden it from everyone. Child physical abuse...