Monday, February 19, 2018

The Lies Satan is Telling our Children

The Lies Satan is Telling our Children

Most of us have been through times in our lives when our self-esteem suffers. But nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, compares to what teens experience. As children began to go through puberty his or her self-esteem may plummet if they are not given the right kind of encouragement. Even with the best support, children going through this stage of life can have a hard time feeling they really fit in. Trust me when I say this, Satan is lurking around every corner during this time in a child's life to reinforce any negative thought a child may be having about his or herself.

Jesus Christ stated in John 10:10, “The thief (Satan) comes to only steal and kill and destroy. I came that they (God's Children and Satan's Victims) may have life and have it abundantly”(ESV). Satan does not play fair!! He takes every opportunity to try and kill and destroy us. He particularly loves to stomp on children or anyone who has not reached full mental capacity. Research done by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta in Canada stated, “The human brain doesn't stop developing at adolescence, but continues well into our 20's” (, 2011). With this in mind, it's easy to understand how adolescents are up against an enemy that can cause real and lasting damage.

As parents, it is so very hard to watch our children go through this battle. If one hurtful comment is made to a child already going through this battle of the mind, he or she may repeat this to themselves hundreds of time more and the record continues to play over and over again until that child really believes the comment is absolute truth. 

I want to post a poem a teen girl named Sabrina B. wrote that explains this battle a little clearer.

"Replacing Satan's Lies with God's Truth"

I am a child stuck inside of Satan’s lies
I am weary for I know my heart is not with God
I am scared because I don’t know what to believe
So I search for God
As I search for God
Then I see the light and I’m filled with His glory

I am a child stuck inside of Satan’s lies
I am critical of myself
I must meet certain standards to feel good about myself
So I search for God
As I search for God
Then I see I am totally forgiven and fully pleasing to God

I am a child stuck inside of Satan’s lies
I am uncomfortable around those who are different than me I am a child stuck inside of Satan’s lies
I am afraid of what God may do to punish me
I believe I am unworthy of love and deserve to be condemned
So I search for God
As I search for God
Then I see that I am deeply loved by God

I am a child stuck inside of Satan’s lies
I am generally disgusted with myself
I am what I am, I cannot change, I am hopeless
So I search for God
As I search for God
Then I see I am a new, absolutely complete person in Christ. I am a child filled with God’s Truth
I am totally forgiven and fully pleasing to God
I am totally accepted by God
I am deeply loved by God
I am a new, absolutely complete person in Christ
I am no longer stuck inside of Satan’s lies I no longer have to search for God
I have found Him

I am a child filled with God’s Truth
I have replaced Satan’s lies with God’s Truth
I fully love and accept myself because I am completely loved and accepted by God
I am fearfully and wonderfully made (

Compelling words from a child wouldn't you say?

As a parent and grandparent who has experienced this anguish through the lives of my children. I would implore you to take the time to encourage not only your own but other teens you come in contact with. They may not tell you but they will gain much strength from your kind words. Let them know that Jesus loves them and is for them and so are you. They really need a soft place to land when the battle gets tough.

Have a Wonderful Week Filling those Young People in your life with God's Truth.
Your Sister in Christ,
Jacque Barnes


B., Sabrina, 2008, Replacing satan's lies with God's truth,,2011,Human brain development does not stop at adolescence,Univesity of 

            Alberta, Canada. 

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