Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sack Cloth and Ashes

Ok this is where we should put on sack cloth and ashes and began to plead for mercy from God! As a Nation we have made everything an idol except the one who is able to save us. We sacrifice to everything that will bring us pleasure and riches. It's time to get on our knees and as forgiveness and ask for a change of heart. Please stop asking God to heal our home and nation without first repentance of where we've fail Him! We do that and I can promise things will start to turn around for us. God is in charge people and loves us deeply but will not move until we make changes in our lives and in our hearts. Just saying! Love y'all ❤️

Anyone interested in my life of abuse?

 I’vee not posted much lately but I’m just overwhelmed by how much abuse I’ve gone through and hidden it from everyone. Child physical abuse...