Monday, February 26, 2018

When Answers Don't Come in the Ways We Expect

I have often had questions that I just could not answer. Questions about God and why He is the way he is stumps me. When this happens I have learned to lean on the Bible and really concentrate on what God is trying to teach me through His Word.

I understand, through Bible study, that God has different ways of doing things. In Isaiah 55:8 it states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord” (NIV). So God's timing is not my timing. Isaiah 55 continues in verse 9 stating, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”(NIV). In order to get a better perspective on how God operates we need to study these verses and remember that the questions that we seek from God may be answered in a way completely different than what we may expect.

When we believe we are not getting an answer to a question it may be we are not understanding God's ways. Understanding that God has perfect timing and has our best interest should help us to remember to be patient and wait. And in the meantime don't worry, just let God work it out in His own special way and in His own perfect timing. Remember His ways are not our ways.

Have a Wonderful week asking God those questions, just remember to expect the answers to sometimes come in unexpected ways.

Your Sister in Christ,
Jacque Barnes

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