Saturday, August 1, 2020

Ready to Go Home?

A feeling of heaviness and uncertainty are looming across this country and world like I have never experienced before. It’s not just one thing to point to but many. A deadly virus that is keeping us separated and worried, civil injustice and riots that scare us, leaders that are untrustworthy, and media that cannot be trusted. These examples are not all that is putting pressure on the average person. Unemployment and uncertain futures for our families are at the forefront of every home across the country. Many theologians are referring to this as the beginning of the end times. I tend to believe that its almost time for Jesus to move His children to safer pastures.

Jesus is the Good Shephard and as Christian Believers, we are "His" sheep that follow Him. I believe it is almost time for Jesus to return for His Church (Believers).  1 Thessalonians 4:17 states, We, who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will be with the Lord forever (NIV).

I understand that there are some who believe Christians will go through the end days or tribulation with those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ, but I am not one. I want to be as ready as possible to meet my Savior whenever He decides its time.

Many Christians will tell you that they feel it too. The heaviness and urgency of getting ready. Most of my thoughts are not on what is wrong in the world but finding ways to help people understand that there may not be much time left to get ready for Jesus’ coming. I know that many think of this topic as ridiculous but as a true believer that has been on my knees praying for the lost to know Christ Jesus this is the most serious concern I have right now. How about you? Are you ready to go home? Are you prepared to meet the one who died and rose again so you could come home to be with him?

Jesus Christ is God’s Son plain and simple. He came, lived a perfect sinless life, and was sacrificed for our sins. He came because the Father loved us so much and knew if left to our own, we could not be apart of His family any longer. We needed a perfect man to take our place and pay our debt, that man was Jesus Christ. Believing in Him and knowing and asking forgiveness for the sins that put Jesus on the cross is the beginning. Turning to Jesus and asking Him to help us through God’s Holy Spirit will put your life on a path of healing and peace knowing as God prepares to send Jesus for us you will be among the ones who call Him Savior and Father.

I’m packing to go home, and I sure would like it if you could go with me. Until then let us pray for the eyes of the lost to be opened and the hearts of the weary to be full of the joy of knowing the living God. What a day the Homecoming of the Church will be! I am praying I will be next to you as we look into the loving face of Jesus and know we will always be with Him.

Your Sister in Christ,

Jacque Barnes

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