Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Identity

This week I thought I would deal with who God says we are. I don't know about you but sometimes I have a hard time accepting my new identity in Christ Jesus. The words are easy to say but to really live them out and believe I am His can be difficult at times. Especially when I have been cut off in traffic, or I have told my grandson for the ump-tenth time to pick up his shoes.

There are so many precious names that God has given to his children, the ones who love and trust His Son Christ Jesus. Today, after a rather stressful week, I have chosen the ones that lift me out of the stress and place me in His loving presence.

The first and most important to me, and most people is I am forgiven. In Acts 10:43, it states: All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name, the name of Christ Jesus.

Forgiveness is the one I have so much trouble with at times because I have a tendency to remind myself of what I have done and not the fact that Christ died to give me the “free” gift of forgiveness. When I surrendered to Jesus, He forgave me, it did not depend on my behavior or deeds and especially what I feel I deserve.

The next name I need to remind myself of frequently is I am Strong in the Lord. Ephesians 6:10 states, Be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. 

This name does not come easy either, but if we remind ourselves daily of our true identity in Christ Jesus, this strength starts to build and becomes more apparent as we utilize it daily. 

When we allow God to work His purpose in our lives, our true identity of Strength in Jesus will shine through. Even when that shoe is never picked up or traffic continues to make you wish that “Jesus Loves You” bumper sticker was never place on your car.

Have a week full of "Thankful to God” reminders, and a Bless Thanksgiving Day!

Your Sister in Christ,

Jacque Barnes

Anyone interested in my life of abuse?

 I’vee not posted much lately but I’m just overwhelmed by how much abuse I’ve gone through and hidden it from everyone. Child physical abuse...