Sunday, August 26, 2018

Expect the Unexpected

I have been surprised many times during my life, some good, some not so good, but most surprises have gotten my full attention. The unexpected is never expected! Getting to know Jesus and the love He has for you can change your life in ways you never expected. He will catch you by surprise and set a fire in your soul that will never die. I would like to discuss a few of the things Jesus has done, while on Earth, that has caused people, then as well as now, to expect the unexpected.

From the beginning of His ministry, Jesus did many amazing things. He changed water into wine at the request of His mother Mary. As His ministry grew Jesus caused the blind to see, and the crippled to walk. He raised the dead and feed thousands with a handful. Jesus became known as one who produced the unexpected. All the miracles Jesus did during His Earthly ministry where life-changing, but the most significant unexpected miracles came at His death and resurrection.

Jesus was arrested and convicted of crimes that He had not committed. He did not fight these charges and was beaten beyond recognition and crucified on a Roman cross as punishment. He died and was laid in a tomb, as was the custom in Israel. His friends and family were devastated and began the mourning process. Many things happened before and after the death and resurrection of Jesus but these happenings are insignificant when compared to the unexpected truth that was about to unfold.

To the average person in Jerusalem that Passover week, crucifixions had become a part of life. But the crucifixion of Jesus was not at all expected. Many people thought Jesus was the one who would save them and defeat Rome but as He died on the cross they lost all hope. Little did they know that Jesus was doing exactly what His Father, God, had sent Him to do. Jesus was to give Himself up as a Passover sacrifice for the sins of people. His resurrection was a sign that anyone who would believe in Him would be set free from their sins and could have a relationship with Father God. Jesus was and has always been the bridge that spanned the distance, created during the fall of Adam, between God and his precious children.

You see Jesus is our Savior and He is my all!! Without Him, all hope and joy would be lost. Jesus has already paid the price for our true freedom. Just accept this free gift and let Him do the unexpected in your life. You will never be disappointed!! Thank you, Jesus!!

Have a Wonderful week Expecting the Unexpected from our Lord!!
Your Sister in Christ,
Jacque Barnes

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