I have thought for several years that I was settled and knew
what life was about and “bam” I’m hit from the front with the realization that
I’ve really missed the mark.
I recently had a tragedy happen in my life, no really
several tragedies, matter a fact. I have suffered the loss of my father, my
father in law, and two very close friends within the past six months. This week
topped the list, one of my deceased friend’s daughter was murdered one month
after her passing. Although I have been devastated and heartbroken over each
one of these deaths, this young woman’s death has affected me like no other. My
life has changed directions forever.
This young lady was like so many others growing up. She was
from a divorced home but grew up knowing her parents loved her more than
anything. She was an only child, so she was a bit spoiled. I met her when she
was in her early twenties, she was the daughter of a very close friend of mine.
She became involved in drugs and things started to go downhill from there. She
ended up losing custody of her two children and her husband divorced her. Although
I knew she loved her children the addiction was controlling her life. After a while, she landed in jail.
During her stay in jail, she began to want to change the direction of her life. She
went through a rehab program and put in the time and effort it took to stay
clean and sober. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and gave her life to
Him. This young woman went to school and eventually received a master’s degree
in drug abuse counseling. Within time she was reunited with her children and
remarried her children’s father. She started living the life that she only
prayed she would see one day. God had given her back everything she ever lost due
to her drug use.
Well, eleven years passed, and she had become the assistant
director of a counseling center where she helped people wanting to regain their
lives the same way she had. She put in numerous hours encouraging people and
pushing them to stay the path. It was not unusual for her to stay late
counseling someone who was desperately trying to hold on to hope. This young
woman had become a dearly love and productive member of society. Her family
also reaped the benefits of her life change. Her two sons were also going down
a path of helping others. She was the “real deal” and her life reflected this.
Her Fruits were very evident for all to see. God blessed her and she, in turn, paid it forward and blessed others with her encouragement and sincere love. But
life made a left turn and it changed everything.
Last week after a scheduled group meeting, she decided to step
back into her office before heading home for the evening. A young man
apparently forced his way into her office and within 15 minutes had raped and
stabbed her until she was dead. That quick she was gone. It was not until the next
morning that her lifeless and nude body was found. The young woman who had
fought the nightmare of addiction and had won was gone. Her life was taken by
the hands of a man who she did not know but would have helped if he would have
asked her. Would he have done this if he had known her story or understood just
how much this young woman meant to her family, friends, and the community? Why,
why would he do this to such a woman with so much to give and so much to look
forward to in life?
Her death has left me exhausted and afraid. I’m exhausted
trying to wrap my head around why this happened and afraid of a future where such
a prize can be taken away in such a devastating way. The truth is deaths like
hers happen daily in this world. Families, friends, and communities lose these precious
people every day. Another truth is most people are desensitized to this type of violence until it hits close to home. I’m ashamed to say I have been one of
those people, but how do you change this? In the world, today do we really want
to be sensitized to this type of thing when it happens every day?
I’m left with a question that may never be answered honestly
until Jesus makes all things known one day. Until that day I will keep on
praying for others and encouraging people to keep on living a life full of love
and respect for others. This is the legacy this young woman has left us. She
fought through life and learned how to succeed. She placed her trust in God and
ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. She then went out and helped others fight
and win. She encouraged them every step of the way. I won’t use her name out of
respect for her family, but I will always remember her and how her compassion
and faith in God changed this world for the better. Sweet Lady, you will be missed.
Until we meet again.
Your Sister in Christ,
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