Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Life Lived

I have thought for several years that I was settled and knew what life was about and “bam” I’m hit from the front with the realization that I’ve really missed the mark.

I recently had a tragedy happen in my life, no really several tragedies, matter a fact. I have suffered the loss of my father, my father in law, and two very close friends within the past six months. This week topped the list, one of my deceased friend’s daughter was murdered one month after her passing. Although I have been devastated and heartbroken over each one of these deaths, this young woman’s death has affected me like no other. My life has changed directions forever.

This young lady was like so many others growing up. She was from a divorced home but grew up knowing her parents loved her more than anything. She was an only child, so she was a bit spoiled. I met her when she was in her early twenties, she was the daughter of a very close friend of mine. She became involved in drugs and things started to go downhill from there. She ended up losing custody of her two children and her husband divorced her. Although I knew she loved her children the addiction was controlling her life. After a while, she landed in jail.

During her stay in jail, she began to want to change the direction of her life. She went through a rehab program and put in the time and effort it took to stay clean and sober. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and gave her life to Him. This young woman went to school and eventually received a master’s degree in drug abuse counseling. Within time she was reunited with her children and remarried her children’s father. She started living the life that she only prayed she would see one day. God had given her back everything she ever lost due to her drug use.

Well, eleven years passed, and she had become the assistant director of a counseling center where she helped people wanting to regain their lives the same way she had. She put in numerous hours encouraging people and pushing them to stay the path. It was not unusual for her to stay late counseling someone who was desperately trying to hold on to hope. This young woman had become a dearly love and productive member of society. Her family also reaped the benefits of her life change. Her two sons were also going down a path of helping others. She was the “real deal” and her life reflected this. Her Fruits were very evident for all to see. God blessed her and she, in turn, paid it forward and blessed others with her encouragement and sincere love. But life made a left turn and it changed everything.

Last week after a scheduled group meeting, she decided to step back into her office before heading home for the evening. A young man apparently forced his way into her office and within 15 minutes had raped and stabbed her until she was dead. That quick she was gone. It was not until the next morning that her lifeless and nude body was found. The young woman who had fought the nightmare of addiction and had won was gone. Her life was taken by the hands of a man who she did not know but would have helped if he would have asked her. Would he have done this if he had known her story or understood just how much this young woman meant to her family, friends, and the community? Why, why would he do this to such a woman with so much to give and so much to look forward to in life?

Her death has left me exhausted and afraid. I’m exhausted trying to wrap my head around why this happened and afraid of a future where such a prize can be taken away in such a devastating way. The truth is deaths like hers happen daily in this world. Families, friends, and communities lose these precious people every day. Another truth is most people are desensitized to this type of violence until it hits close to home. I’m ashamed to say I have been one of those people, but how do you change this? In the world, today do we really want to be sensitized to this type of thing when it happens every day?

I’m left with a question that may never be answered honestly until Jesus makes all things known one day. Until that day I will keep on praying for others and encouraging people to keep on living a life full of love and respect for others. This is the legacy this young woman has left us. She fought through life and learned how to succeed. She placed her trust in God and ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. She then went out and helped others fight and win. She encouraged them every step of the way. I won’t use her name out of respect for her family, but I will always remember her and how her compassion and faith in God changed this world for the better. Sweet Lady, you will be missed. Until we meet again.

Your Sister in Christ,

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Stopping the Spirit of Antichrist in Our Families, Communities and Nation

I’ve got to say that I’m exhausted. Not from any physical work but from the constant flood of negative messages that are all but impossible to run from. Where do you go to remove yourself from this “thing” that is draining the life out of anyone who will listen to it?

This “thing” that I’m talking about is nothing more, in my opinion than the spirit of antichrist. The spirit of antichrist is the complete opposite of what the “Real” Christ stands for.  Jesus Christ, the Messiah, stood for Loving your neighbor even more than yourself.  In Mathew 22: 37-39 Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself” (NIV). He never condoned running over people like a stampede because their opinions were different or making others feel like a sub-human because they do not agree with the political agenda of the day. Jesus was a kind and caring man who, although God of the Universe, always thought of others before himself. His death on the Cross proved that.

The antichrist spirit, on the other hand, is a lying, manipulating, and is a downright destructive force that is only interested in one thing, itself. This evil is spreading like a wildfire across our nation and is not letting up. It's stealing, killing and destroying everything in its path. You can see its aftermath in the families, communities, and courtrooms all over this nation. Our once Christian Nation with the values that made us the greatest country in the world is all but a memory. But its not over yet.

We still have a chance if only we will turn back to God and ask for His forgiveness and once again turn our faces toward the One who can save us. Jesus Christ is the only hope we have. Our families, communities, and nation depends on it. 2 Chronicles 30:9 states, “If you return to the LORD, then your fellow Israelites (people) and your children will be shown compassion by their captors and will return to this land, for the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to him” (NIV).

If we will just stop and look around at what is happening and ask for God’s help, He will help us. He will protect us and walk through this with us. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 states, “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one” (NIV). Another verse that promises God will be with us is Deuteronomy 31:6 which states, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (NIV).

I, for one, am going to turn away from the antichrist spirit and ask God to forgive me for my involvement in this destruction. I’ll ask Him to forgive me for not loving others like I love myself and ask Him to help me understand what that looks like in this world. If God is for us who can be against us? Not even the spirit of antichrist can defeat us if we are holding on to what Jesus did for us and having faith in what He has promised us.

Let’s start today putting our faith in a loving and caring Savior and although it may not be politically correct, turn our hearts and minds away from the lies and deception of the antichrist that has already gotten a firm hold on our country.

Your Sister in the Real Christ, Jesus,
Jacque Barnes

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Prophetic Proof of God's Faithfulness

There is a day, in the Jewish calendar, that has recently caught my attention. It is Tisha B’Av, which is the 9th day of the month of Av. This year, 2019, Tisha B’ Av fell on August 11th on the Gregorian or Western calendar. As you might know, the Jewish calendar and the Western calendar are a bit different. The Jewish calendar is based on the moon or lunar cycles while the western calendar is based on the sun or solar cycles. Regardless of the calendar, Tisha B’ Av is a very extraordinary day.

Tisha B’Av is considered the saddest day of all the days on the Jewish calendar (Five Calamities, 2019). The Jewish people will fast and pray for three weeks to commemorate the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem that happened on the 9th day of Av.  In fact, much sadness has happened on or near this date throughout history showing us that God is working through the Jewish people to relate a message of His greatness.

To start the list, I will begin with Moses. After a time in the desert with the children of Israel, he sent 12 men to spy out the land of Canaan, which would later become Israel. The spies returned with only two having good news, the other 10 reported a land impossible to conquer. This report caused the people to panic and question God’s instructions. God punished the people telling them that their generation would not go into the land. If you will remember only Joshua and Caleb, the two spies that had a positive report, where allowed to enter from the whole generation of people over 20 years of age. The Lord told them that their crying would be pointless and that He would fix a day, that same day, where they would remember this time (Five Calamities, 2019). I believe this date was set by God to become a day of sadness throughout time for the people of Israel.

The Tisha B' Av prophecy showed its head again during the destruction of the first Jewish temple. In 587 BCE. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took the Jewish people into captivity and destroyed the first Jewish Temple built by King Solomon (Five Calamities, 2019). After the Babylonian captivity was over the people came home and began to rebuild.

Ezra and Nehemiah was among the ones involved in building the second Temple. Although constructed to specification the temple was not the jewel King Solomon built. A few hundred years later Herod the Great expanded the temple and all who saw it was amazed in its beauty and greatness. Jesus proclaimed in Mathew 24: 2 stating, “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.” (Bible, NIV). This very temple was destroyed by Roman in 70 CE during the 9th of Av. The Romans killed over 500,000 Jewish men and women and scattered the ones who survived to the four corners of the earth commencing the exile that continued for almost 2000 years (Five Calamities, 2019). This is just another reminder of the day God pronounced judgment on the Israeli people. A coincidence, I don’t think so. Other historical events have happened on or around the 9th of Av having a direct impact on the Jewish people.

On August 15, 1096 (24th of Av) the first of the Crusades began. 10,000 Jewish people were killed in just the first month.

On July 18,]1290 (9th of Av) England expelled the Jewish people and 16 years later, on the 10th of Av, France followed suit.

Most people know that in 1492 Columbus set off from Spain to discover the new land. What many don’t know is that in that same year, 7th of Av, Spain also expelled the Jewish people from its lands. Makes me wonder if many were on board the ships with Columbus going to a new land.

August 1st -2nd 1914 (9th-10th of Av) are two days that bring about great sadness to the Jewish people. It was on these days that Germany entered World War I (Five Calamities, 2019). Jewish people all over Europe began to suffer anti-Semitism.

A couple of decades later, on August 2, 1941 (9th Av) Heinrich Himmler, an SS commander got the OK from the Nazi Party to begin the “Final Solution”. On July 23, 1942 (9th Av) the mass of Jewish people from the Warsaw Ghetto began their trip to Treblinka to be exterminated. 

The Holocaust had begun and as a result, more than one-third of the Jewish people in the world, more than 6,000,000 were killed (Five Calamities, 2019). The worse mass murder in history.

Other incidences have occurred on the 9th of Av that has left a lasting impression on the Jewish people. On July 18th1994 (10th of Av) 85 Jewish people were killed and 300 injured after a bomb exploded in a Jewish community in Buenos Aires. While on August 15, 2005 (10th of Av) 8000 Jewish people were pushed out of the Gaza Strip leaving many homeless and destitute.

Although the Holocaust lasted for many years. Most refer to Tisha B’ Av as the day to mourn in addition to or instead of the official Holocaust Memorial Day.

There is so much more information about Tisha B’ Av but I think you can see that God stands by His word. He marked a day for remembrance, and He intended for it to not be forgotten.
As Christians we should be reminded of God’s faithfulness to His word and know, as He said in John 3:16, “Whoever believes in His Son Jesus will never perish and have everlasting life” He intends to keep His word (Bible).


Five Calamities, August 12, 2019,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Where do I go From Here?

It’s been a while since I have sat down at this computer to write or read anything. Matter of fact I have not opened this computer in a few months. After my daddy passed I kind of entered a limbo. I never meant for this to happen, but it did. It has been hard. Daddy was a strong force in my life and I have had to get my sea legs being without him. But God, Wonderful and Magnificent as He is, has begun to heal the wounds and reshaping my life.

Limbo after the death of a parent is something that I have never been through before. Since that time, I have learned that this experience is something that is to be learned by experience and never taught. You enter into a numbness that you feel will never leave. As time passes life begins to look familiar again and the sadness of the loss begins to change and become more like a longing to share the good memories instead of the memories of the end.

Getting your sea legs is more like learning to walk again. You are never going to be the same person you were when you lost your parent.  Regardless of your age, you are forced to become the adult you only thought you were before. You no longer have that parent to call and ask advice and hear the encouraging words, "It's going to be ok, I'm here for you and you know I'll always love you". It's a process and it doesn't happen overnight but eventually, there you are. All grown up with no idea of where to begin your new life without the one who leads you so many years. But God!!!

One of the most precious lessons I have learned from the loss of my daddy has been God's presence in my life even when I could not say a prayer to ask for His help. I know for a fact, from my experience, if you are a child of God and have Jesus as a friend your healing will begin without your effort. The Holy Spirit held me close and comforted me in ways no family member or friend could ever do. Don't get me wrong, I did have times of great grief and mourning but the sting was lessened by His constant attention to my needs. Although the loss of my daddy has been great and the wounds are deep God is healing and reshaping. I'm a different person because of my loss, but I have a feeling after God has finished this process I will be a more loving and caring person, one who is always ready to encourage and give good advice to the ones who need it.

Thank you God for Your patience with me and Thank you daddy for your life lessons I never realized I was learning.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ready to Turn that Corner?

It scary going into the unknown. We come up with different scenarios and play them over in our heads. We tell ourselves that we have it figured out, then we turn that corner and find that we were not as prepared as we thought. You ever felt that way? Boy, I have! Would it not be wonderful to have someone with you that knew exactly what was around that corner, someone who knew what to expect and how to prepare for it? Well, I’m here to tell you the Holy Spirit, along with the Bible are here to help us get prepared for any unknown corner we may face.

As a child of God, we are fortunate to have as our helper the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us when he rose to sit on the right hand of God the Father. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity, is here to help the ones who have taken the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Jesus promised in John 15:26, "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me” (Bible, NASB). The Bible is full of examples where the Holy Spirit is at work inspiring and teaching.

The Holy Bible is the very breath of God. This book has been written by people who understood the Spirit of God and abided by his instruction. Every word of the Bible is truth and God inspired. 2 Timothy 3:16 explains, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (Bible, NIV). The Holy Spirit will be here pointing to the truth of the Bible until the Lord Jesus makes His return.

The Holy Spirit is here and will never leave us if we make Jesus Lord of our lives and the Holy Bible is here to help us understand better the purpose of the Holy Spirit and how He can enhance our lives if we will allow. John 16:13 states, “Yet when the Spirit of Truth comes, he'll guide you into all truth. He won't speak on his own accord, but he'll speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come” (Bible, ISV). What the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) hears is the voice of God the Father.
The Holy Spirit will never lead you in the wrong direction but will take you around that unknown corner with God the Father as His guide if you trust in Him. Using the Holy Bible as your life’s instruction book will teach you to trust and lean on the Holy Spirit. So, go ahead and turn that corner with the confidence of knowing where your strength comes from.

Anyone interested in my life of abuse?

 I’vee not posted much lately but I’m just overwhelmed by how much abuse I’ve gone through and hidden it from everyone. Child physical abuse...